Who We Are...
Downfall was born from a lifetime of watching this world and realizing it is the devil's playground for him and his children to kill and lie and steal. Esoteric as our brand may appear, it is my intention to speak to you plainly here for this brief moment. Everything before and after this is a joke, a meaningless jest; but this is sincere. Everyone is sick, and if you want to be healed God has made a path for you to be healed through Jesus Christ. The home of those in Christ is not this present world. The earth has been handed over to Satan for destruction. For 2000 years mankind has shuffled slowly toward this fated end like an inmate on death row. The spirit of antichrist has been working diligently to bring about this very end foretold by God himself. Now the end is near: it is at the door. The final preparations are being made, but the field is already set. The convergence and consolidation of power across every sector, public and private, has been accomplished. Technology will solidify this interlocking directorate of power. Troubles will intensify as we feel the birth pangs of a new world struggling to be born. Out of that tribulation will emerge the beast, and no man can make war with the beast. The world will marvel over him and worship him. This bleak future awaits all who live to see it. But remember as you see these things come to pass that it was Jesus who foretold them, and let that bolster your faith that Jesus is the truth, and that his word is true. Place your faith in him, and his word, and his gospel. Amen.